Nazlah Black

Social Media Team Lead & Swim Pony Administrator and Outreach Coordinator

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Nazlah Black (they/them) is a performer, baker, and arts administrator, currently serving as an Administrator and Outreach Coordinator for Swim Pony. Together with the L~W and Swim Pony teams, they are organizing social media efforts, admin, research, and outreach programs for Aqua Marooned! In the past, Naz has leant their skills—which also include fundraising and event planning—to arts organizations all across the country including TeenTix (Seattle WA) and Hedgepig Ensemble Theatre (Brooklyn NY). They graduated with a BFA in Theatre from Seattle's Cornish College of the Arts in 2016 and most recently spent a year studying Devised Performance at The Pig Iron School in Philadelphia.


Trinity Norwood


Asimina Chremos