Hospitality service in the mudhif. Photo by
Meet the artists Sarah Kavage and Yaroub Al-Obaidi at Al Mudhif — an Iraqi ceremonial guesthouse they conceived and constructed entirely from wetland grass phragmite — for conversation and reflection. Tea and coffee will be provided.
A mudhif is where special community events like weddings and birthday celebrations occur, but also where conflicting parties go to discuss and resolve differences. Special coffee ceremonies are held there as well, often hosted by the local sheikh, the tribal leader or elder.
The mudhif at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education was built over the course of a month by Al-Obaidi, Kavage, center staff, and many volunteers including both Iraqi immigrants and veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; purposefully using the construction process to heal from the twin traumas of war and displacement.
All ages and questions are welcome. Masks are recommended. Registration is required.